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That Deserved A Comeback


Hollywood Shows

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Many Hollywood shows have faced an untimely, undeserved end - whether due to budget constraints, creative clashes or simply low viewership. Here are a few of them.


Firefly (2002) was a space western so good; it was doomed from the start. Fox pulled the plug after one season, leaving fans orbiting in heartbreak. Later, a movie named Serenity (2005), based on the show, was released. The show even earned a Primetime Emmy Award.


A trippy, emotional rollercoaster that dared to be different -only for Netflix to ghost it. Fans fought back and got a second season of Sense8 (2015-2018). But there was never a season 3 due to budget constraints.


The legendary show Freaks and Geeks (1999-2000) was a brutally honest take on teenage misfits that was too real for TV. Gave one season, one heartbreak, and left behind a lifetime of cult status.


Pushing Daisies (2007-2009), a dreamy, candy-coloured masterpiece that mixed love, death and pies - only to be unceremoniously buried by the network.


 Too dark, too beautiful and too ahead of its time, Hannibal (2013-2015) captured the hearts of its "Fannibals" despite being a slow burner. NBC gave it three seasons, but the feast ended way too soon due to low viewership.


Peggy Carter was a badass who deserved better in her stand-alone show Agent Carter (2015-2016). Marvel fans are still mourning the spy thriller's untimely end.


A slow-burn thriller, Mindhunter (2017-2019) had people hooked on serial killers - only for Netflix to cancel it without any closure.


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