Chiranjeevi, who is presenting the Telugu version of Aamir Khan's forthcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha, during a recent promotional interview for the film, joked about editing a part out of, news agency ANI reported. When Aamir Khan was asked how he managed to get into the different looks for Laal Singh Chaddha, Aamir Khan replied, "This transformation has been done by the VFX people." Chiranjeevi refused to believe Aamir Khan at first and then joked, "Edit this part out. I won't believe." Laal Singh Chaddha marks the Bollywood debut of Naga Chaitanya.
Last month, a special screening of Laal Singh Chaddha was held in Hyderabad. Chiranjeevi shared a clipping from the screening, which was attended by veteran actors Nagarjuna and Chiranjeevi, Baahubali and RRR director SS Rajamouli and Pushpa director Sukumar. Posting the video, Chiranjeevi wrote: "Fascinating how a chance meeting and a little chat with my dear friend Aamir Khan at Kyoto airport - Japan, few years ago led to me becoming a part of his dream project Laal Singh Chaddha. Thank You Aamir Khan for the exclusive preview at my home. Heartened by your warm warm gesture. Most of all, what a gem of a film you have made. Such a wonderful emotional journey."
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Laal Singh Chaddha is the Hindi adaptation of the 1994 Tom Hanks' classic Forrest Gump. Directed by Advait Chandan and also starring Kareena Kapoor, Mona Singh and Naga Chaitanya, Laal Singh Chaddha is scheduled to release on August 11. The film will have a box office clash with Raksha Bandhan, headlined by Akshay Kumar.