Kantara director Rishab Shetty, who also starred in the smash hit, shared pictures from his meeting with superstar Rajinikanth. On Twitter, Rishab Shetty shared a series of pictures with the veteran actor and he tweeted: "If you praise us once it is equal to you praising us for a 100 times. Thank you. Rajinikanth sir, we will be forever grateful to you for watching our film and praising our film Kanatara." In one of the pictures, Rishab Shetty can be seen touching Rajinikanth's feet. Earlier this week, Rajinikanth shared a tweet praising the film. Other than Rishab Shetty, the film also stars Murali, Acyuth Kumar and Sampathi Gowda in the lead roles.
Read Rishab Shetty's tweet here:
@rajinikanth sir #Kantara @VKiragandur @hombalefilms @gowda_sapthami @Karthik1423 pic.twitter.com/MNPSDR5jx8
— Rishab Shetty (@shetty_rishab) October 28, 2022
Earlier this week, Rajinikanth shared an appreciation note for Rishab Shetty's film Kantara and he tweeted: "The unknown is more than the known" no one could have said this better in cinema than Hombale films. Kantara you gave me goosebumps. Rishab hats off to you as a writer, director and actor. Congrats to the whole cast and crew of this masterpiece in Indian cinema."
"The unknown is more than the known" no one could have said this better in cinema than @hombalefilms #KantaraMovie you gave me goosebumps @shetty_rishab Rishab hats off to you as a writer,director and actor.Congrats to the whole cast and crew of this masterpiece in indian cinema
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) October 26, 2022
Replying to Rajinikanth's tweet, Rishab Shetty wrote: "Dear Rajinikanth Sir, you are biggest Superstar in India and I have been your fan since childhood. Your appreciation is my dream come true. You inspire me to do more local stories and inspire our audiences everywhere. Thank you sir."
Dear @rajinikanth sir you are biggest Superstar in India and I have been your fan since childhood. Your appreciation is my Dream come true. You inspire me to do more local stories and inspire our audiences everywhere. Thank you sir https://t.co/C7bBRpkguJ
— Rishab Shetty (@shetty_rishab) October 26, 2022
Kantara opened to stellar reviews and was equally adept at impressing the audience. The film initially released in Kannada. After the success of the film, the makers decided to release the dubbed version in other languages, including Hindi and Malayalam.