Priyanka Chopra showed her solidarity with the ongoing SAG AFTRA strike through an Instagram post. The actor shared a post which read, "SAG. AFTRA. Strong." Priyanka Chopra wrote in the caption, "I stand with my union and colleagues. In solidarity, we build a better tomorrow" and dropped two emojis along with it. She added the hastags #SagAftraStrong #SagAftraStrike. Priyanka Chopra's post garnered love and appreciation from her Instagram followers. One user wrote, "Yaaaaas Queen" and dropped a heart emoji. Another user commented, "More power to you queen."
Take a look at Priyanka Chopra's post here:
For the second time in film history, two Hollywood unions have gone on strike. The Screen Actors Guild announced on Thursday that the strike would be effective from Thursday midnight and it led the cast of Oppenheimer leave the film's London premiere.
Both the Screen Actors Guild and Writers Guild are asking for better pay, improved working conditions and protection against artificial intelligence or AI taking their jobs. SAG has also asked for actors sending in self-made auditions to be compensated. On a website created for the strike, SAG says it wants "a modern contract that addresses modern issues."
Many prominent names from Hollywood like Academy Award winning actor Jamie Lee Curtis and Jeremy Renner expressed their solidarity for the strike. Jamie Lee Curtis wrote an extensive note on Instagram. Sharing BTS pictures from her new project Haunted Mansion Jamie Lee Curtis wrote, "Since we will all stop utilizing social media to promote work that we are on strike for, this is my last offering from the wonderful new Disney movie." Addressing the issue of maintaining a balance between skill and artificial intelligence, the actor wrote, "In order to put Madame Leota inside her crystal ball and trap her there for hundreds of years, they used a digital technique which was a first for me, acting with my head in a vise, but the results are magnificent. A great combination of acting AND technology."
The veteran actress concluded her post with these words, "What I will say is that although I am computer generated, it is from my performance, my sense of comedic timing and you CANNOT replicate that with a machine. I stand strong with my union SAG-AFTRA."
Take a look at the post here:
Marvel star Jeremy Renner, on his Instagram stories, re-shared a post by SAG-AFTRA and wrote, "A necessary change."
Meanwhile, Priyanka Chopra was last seen in Russo Brothers' Citadel.