Singing sensation Dhvani Bhanushali had a major fan girl moment recently, when she visited the sets of the TV reality show Dance India Dance and met one of her idols - Kareena Kapoor, who happens to be one of the judges on the dance show. The 21-year-old singer was extremely overwhelmed to meet Kareena and we could clearly tell that from her wide smile. Dhvani made a stunning appearance, dressed in a midnight blue outfit, while Kareena looked her gorgeous self in a stunning gota woven lehenga and kalamkari dupatta designed by Nazm-e-Itrh. The duo happily clicked pictures together and they even grooved to Dhvani's hit songs like Vaaste and Leja Re - both of which have have over 1 million views on YouTube.
Take a look at the pictures of Kareena and Dhvani from the sets of Dance India Dance here:
Dhvani and Kareena were all smiles as they were photographed with the show's host Karan Wahi.
Besides Kareena Kapoor, rapper-singer Raftaar and choreographer Bosco Martis are the judges on the current season of Dance India Dance.
Dhvani Bhanushali had an amazing year so far with her tracks like Psycho Saiyaan from Saaho and her single Vaaste ruling the sound charts. She also sang songs for several Bollywood movies, which include - Koka from Khandaani Shafakhana, Laila from Notebook, Mukhda Vekh Ke from De De Pyaar De and Rula Diya from Batla House.
Dhvani Bhanushali became a popular name in the music industry after she sang the track Ishare Tere alongside Guru Randhawa in 2018.