George Clooney reveals he was making a documentary in western Sudan
Los Angeles:
Hollywood superstar GeorgeClooney has revealed he was held at gunpoint in Darfur whilemaking a documentary in western Sudan in 2007.
The 52-year-old actor threw light on some of theexperiences of his life and his upcoming film The MonumentsMen in a new interview with Variety magazine.
"We got stopped in the middle of nowhere, where weshouldn't have been. A little 10-year-old kid came over with aKalashnikov assault rifle to my head, basically wanted to getus out of the truck," Clooney said.
Following the terrifying encounter, the actor co-foundedthe humanitarian aid organisation Not On Our Watch with a fewof his friends, including Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and DonCheadle, six years ago.
The actor revealed that the stars of The Monuments MenDamon, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, Hugh Bonneville, and JeanDujardin were paid very little of what they usually make in amovie.
"If you pay everybody a full boatload, it's a USD 150million film. You just can't do it. Everybody worked for supercheap, like crazy cheap," he said.
The 52-year-old actor threw light on some of theexperiences of his life and his upcoming film The MonumentsMen in a new interview with Variety magazine.
"We got stopped in the middle of nowhere, where weshouldn't have been. A little 10-year-old kid came over with aKalashnikov assault rifle to my head, basically wanted to getus out of the truck," Clooney said.
Following the terrifying encounter, the actor co-foundedthe humanitarian aid organisation Not On Our Watch with a fewof his friends, including Matt Damon, Brad Pitt and DonCheadle, six years ago.
The actor revealed that the stars of The Monuments MenDamon, Cate Blanchett, John Goodman, Hugh Bonneville, and JeanDujardin were paid very little of what they usually make in amovie.
"If you pay everybody a full boatload, it's a USD 150million film. You just can't do it. Everybody worked for supercheap, like crazy cheap," he said.