Masaba Gupta, who is one of the leading fashion designers in India today, wanted to be a doctor once. The 31-year-old designer made the best use of Throwback Thursday and shared a snippet from the good old days, when she was a kid and aspired to be a doctor. Needless to say, she looks cute as a button in the video. In her post, Masaba also revealed that she wanted to be a "daaku" (bandit) as a kid. On a serious note, Masaba addressed the novel coronavirus pandemic and how doctors, all over the world, have been working really hard. "When I was little, I was obsessed with playing doctor. ( slowly changed to wannabe daaku, I think). Today I know it is the hardest, most selfless job in the whole world. Thinking of all the incredible doctors and nurses on the frontline of the pandemic... Risking themselves every day, making tough decisions and hand-holding us through the crisis. Hats off. You are heroes," Masaba wrote in her post.
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Masaba Gupta, daughter of veteran actress Neena Gupta and former West Indies cricketer Vivian Richards, is a renowned designer. Sonam Kapoor, film producer Rhea Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra and many other Bollywood stars, including Masaba's mother Neena Gupta, swear by her designs.
On the work front, Masaba Gupta was last seen as one of the judges on the TV reality show MTV Supermodel Of The Year. The show also featured Malaika Arora and Milind Soman as the judges. Ujjwala Raut mentored the contestants, while Anusha Dandekar hosted it. The season finale aired on Sunday and Manila Pradhan was the winner of the show.