Sonam Kapoor's love for Anarkali from the iconic film Mughal-E-Azam needs no introduction. The 34-year-old actress, who is currently in London (going by her latest Instagram posts) on Thursday, shared a video of herself, in which the actress could be seen dressed as Anarkali from the 1960 film. The actress looks absolutely stunning in the video, dressed in a printed Anarkali suit. Sonam wore a dupatta over her head and added a pop of colour with red lipstick. Sonam borrowed a dialogue from the film and she captioned her post: "Taj un saron par nahi rahta, jinke kareeb khauf aajaye."
Take a look at Sonam Kapoor's post here:
On Halloween, last year, Sonam Kapoor decided to dress as Anarkali at a party hosted by her husband and Bhane owner Anand Ahuja. For the party, Sonam picked a a Bhane outfit and she captioned the post: "Pyaar kiya to darna kya... Bhaanexhalloween." ICYMI, this is the post we are referring to:
For the same party, Sonam's husband Anand Ahuja dressed up as Anarkali's lover Salim. Check out the post here:
On Thursday, Sonam Kapoor trended big time after she shared her "scariest experience" while travelling with Uber in London. "Hey guys, I've had the scariest experience with Uber London," read her tweet.
Hey guys I've had the scariest experience with @Uber london. Please please be careful. The best and safest is just to use the local public transportation or cabs. I'm super shaken.
— Sonam K Ahuja (@sonamakapoor) January 15, 2020
On the work front, Sonam Kapoor was last seen in The Zoya Factor, co-starring Dulquer Salmaan and Angad Bedi. Sonam also stared in Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, alongside Anil Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao and Juhi Chawla, last year. The actress has not announced her upcoming projects as of now.