Trust director Ayan Mukerji to keep us updated on the Brahmastra front. After a break in Mumbai, the film's team flew off to London and had to had to check in on Instagram from the British capital. Ayan Instagrammed a photo of himself along with Alia Bhatt, Pritam and other key crew members and borrowed Coldplay lyrics to caption it as: "Adventure (of a Lifetime)." In the hashtags, he added: "Upto no good" and "London diaries." While we were happy to see Alia Bhatt taking Brahmastra to London, for a section of the Internet, it was a dil maange more sort of a situation. "Where is Ranbir Kapoor?" asked a fan while another added: "RK is missing."
In more such comments on Ayan Mukerji's Instagram, netizens enquired why have they left Ranbir out of the frame and if it's him behind the camera: "Pic courtesy goes to Ranbir Kapoor," wrote a user while another added: "Where is out RK?" And these are just few of the many comments from bona-fide RK fans.
Alia Bhatt will co-star with Ranbir Kapoor for the first time in Brahmastra, which will be made as a trilogy. The first part is currently work-in-progress was recently rescheduled from December this year to the summer of 2020.
Brahmastra's first work schedule was in Bulgaria, from where Alia Bhatt had filled up her Instagram with photos clicked by Ranbir Kapoor.
Brahmastra also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy and was conceptualised in 2011, two years before Ayan Mukerji directed Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani.