Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan's Tiger 3 is ruling the box office and needless to say the actors are thrilled. The movie, which has entered its second week, has breached the Rs 200 crore mark. Amidst the box office wave, Katrina took some time out from her busy schedule and conducted an Ask Me Anything session with fans on Instagram on Saturday. During the session, she answered a bunch of questions from her fans. But a rather special question/accusation caught the internet's attention. This is because Katrina's Tiger 3 co-star Salman Khan also participated in the AMA session. Salman cheekily asked, “Jeene Ke… main maine towel use kiya aur aapne Tiger main towel use kiya. Yeh kya copy kat cha raha hai? (I used a towel in the song Jeene Ke and you used a towel in Tiger. Are you copying me?)” The brilliant Katrina was surely not one to back down. She responded, “Salman Khan aapne towel use kiya aur maine towel pehna hai (Salman Khan, you used a towel and I'm wearing it).” For the unversed, Katrina Kaif is seen pulling off a complex action scene while dressed in a towel in Tiger 3
During Katrina Kaif's AMA Session, Salman Khan's name popped up more than once. Before this, a fan asked Katrina, “Salman [Khan] kahan hai? [Where is Salman Khan?]” Katrina was quick to ask Salman to share a picture of himself so that she could show it to fans. Responding to the question, Katrina shared Salman's click with him holding a coffee mug in his hands and wrote, “Ghar pe hain. Unke mummy daddy ki anniversary hai. Lunch khake coffee pi rahe hai. Aur ye selfie leke bheja hai aap logo ke liye. [He is at home. Today is his mummy and daddy's wedding anniversary. After having lunch, he is enjoying coffee. And he has clicked this selfie and sent it to me for you all.]”
Fans also asked Katrina Kaif, whom she likes best between Prem and Tiger. FYI: Prem is Salman Khan's iconic character name from films like No Entry, Maine Pyar Kiya, Andaz Apna Apna and Hum Aapke Hain Koun…! among others. The fan asked, “Aapko Prem achcha lagta hai ya Tiger? [You like Prem or Tiger]” Responding to the question, Katrina said, “Tiger acha lagta hai kyunki Tiger mein Prem koot koot ke bhara hai. [I like Tiger because he has a lot of Prem in him.]”
Talking about Tiger 3, the film hit the theatres on November 12. It is directed by Maneesh Sharma and also features Emraan Hashmi. In his review for NDTV, film critic Saibal Chatterjee said, "The YRF spy universe is obviously not meant for those that look for realistic, close-to-the-bones espionage thrillers but for everyone else (whether you Salman and swag) there is a lot in here. For good measure, the villain in this film isn't just another scowling, growling Pakistani agent. He gives the hero a run for his money."
Tiger 3 is the fifth film in the Yash Raj Spy Universe and the third film in the Tiger franchise.