Will Smith caught kissing wife Jada Pinkett

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Los Angeles: Hollywood couple Will Smith andwife Jada Pinkett blew rumours of trouble in their marriageinto thin air by kissing publicly at a basketball game.

The actors were caught cuddling at the Philadelphia76ers-Miami Heat game Friday night, People magazine reported.

Will, 43, and Jada, 40, were "couply and cuddly," saidfellow spectator Becky Haring who sat a few rows away from thefamous pair. "They were having a good time," she said.

Philadelphia-native Smith danced during the game, eventhough his team lost 84-78, and at one point planted a wet oneon his wife for the "kiss cam."

The night out was a family affair for thebasketball-loving couple, who posed courtside with kidsWillow, 11, and Jaden, 13.

Another attendee, Tom Kline, who was sitting in the VIPsection not far from the Smiths, said that they arrived athalf time.

"Will and Jada were introduced to the crow to a loudcheer. She affectionately put her head on his shoulder and heaffectionately touched her as they smiled," he said.

Smith is in town filming the M Night Shyamalanaction-adventure After Earth.