Impressed with Akshay Kumar'sremake Rowdy Rathore joining the Rs 100 crore club just 11days after its release, Bollywood filmmaker Subash Ghai said he was willing to make such films as a producer but notas a director.
"There are two persons in me. I am both a producer and adirector. As a producer I am willing to make such films, butas a director I will never make films to rake in money," hetold reporters here.
Ghai did not confirm reports that he is planning a remakeof the 1983 hit Hero starring Jackie Shroff, with his sonTiger Shroff.
He was all praise for South Indian films, saying herespected South Indian filmmakers and audiences for acceptingfilms woven around new story ideas. "They come out withbrilliant ideas and stories which normally is a risky affairin Bollywood," he said.
Ghai said his production house is funding three projects,including a film starring Dharmendra and his sons Sunny Deoland Bobby Deol. "The other project will star Salman (Khan) inthe lead and the third film will star newcomers," he said.
"There are two persons in me. I am both a producer and adirector. As a producer I am willing to make such films, butas a director I will never make films to rake in money," hetold reporters here.
Ghai did not confirm reports that he is planning a remakeof the 1983 hit Hero starring Jackie Shroff, with his sonTiger Shroff.
He was all praise for South Indian films, saying herespected South Indian filmmakers and audiences for acceptingfilms woven around new story ideas. "They come out withbrilliant ideas and stories which normally is a risky affairin Bollywood," he said.
Ghai said his production house is funding three projects,including a film starring Dharmendra and his sons Sunny Deoland Bobby Deol. "The other project will star Salman (Khan) inthe lead and the third film will star newcomers," he said.