Anil Kapoor made his wife Sunita Kapoor's birthday all the more special with his lovely greeting. The 63-year-old actor shared a million-dollar photograph of himself with Sunita Kapoor on his Instagram profile on Wednesday. In his post, he referred to Sunita Kapoor as the "wonder woman of her life." He wrote: "Happy Birthday to the wonder woman of my life who I have been happily leaning on since forever! Trust me, your birthday is more special to me than it is to you because I'm so glad you are here and with me every day. Love you, always and forever." In the comments section of Anil Kapoor's post, Sunita wrote: "Can't imagine my life without you. You are the best thing that happened to me, love you."
Take a look at Anil Kapoor's post here:
Other than Anil Kapoor, Sonam, Rhea and other members of the family shared pictures. Sonam posted a set of lovely throwback pictures and she wrote: "You've guided me with love and patience all through life. Your passion, intelligence and creativity is simply inspiring and I'm lucky to call myself your daughter! Whoever I am today is because of you and I thank you for that! Happy birthday mom! Miss you so much."
Rhea Kapoor also took a trip down memory lane and shared some of her favourite moments in the form of throwback pictures on Instagram.
Sonam's mother-in-law Priya Ahuja also wished Sunita Kapoor on her birthday.
Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor got married in 1984. The couple first met on the sets of Meri Jung. The couple are parents to actors Sonam Kapoor and Harshvardhan Kapoor, and filmmaker Rhea.
On the work front, Anil Kapoor was last seen in thriller seen in Malang, co-starring Aditya Roy Kapur, Disha Patani and Kunal Kemmu. He will next be seen in Mumbai Saga.