His own production house carried on with the shooting of Aurangzeb starring Arjun Kapoor.
Staying true to the adage Life goes on Yash Raj Films did not cancel the shoot of their ongoing film Aurangzeb, even after the untimely demise of the legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra.
Mr Chopra's death on Sunday (October 21) sent shock waves through the industry, as a result of which several paties and events stood cancelled to honour the great auteur. (Photos: Stars at Yash Chopra's prayer meet)
However, in the true spirit of the late filmmaker, his own production house carried on with the shooting of Aurangzeb starring Arjun Kapoor.
According to a source: "The unit was shocked at the death of Mr Chopra while they were shooting in Delhi. However, they were informed by the banner to continue with their work as the filmmaker would want the show to go on."
Mr Chopra's death on Sunday (October 21) sent shock waves through the industry, as a result of which several paties and events stood cancelled to honour the great auteur. (Photos: Stars at Yash Chopra's prayer meet)
However, in the true spirit of the late filmmaker, his own production house carried on with the shooting of Aurangzeb starring Arjun Kapoor.
According to a source: "The unit was shocked at the death of Mr Chopra while they were shooting in Delhi. However, they were informed by the banner to continue with their work as the filmmaker would want the show to go on."