On World Health Day today, celebs are flooding social media with their respective versions of staying healthy, especially during the coronavirus pandemic. Kajol, known for her quirky posts, added one more to the list as she shared her five-step guide to stay safe. It's actually pretty simple. Kajol, who has an impressive collection of throwback photos, picked out one from the archives for an easier demonstration. In the photo, which gives off major retro feels, Kajol can be seen waving from a car window. That's exactly the kind of click Kajol was looking for to share the "5 rules of staying healthier today in the world."
Here are the steps:
1. Pull your hands in
2. Windows up
3. Drive that car
4. Go home
5. Don't step out
"And that my friend is how we celebrate," was Kajol's sign off note. Kajol's post is a direct reference to the harsh reality of pandemic-hit India. The country is currently battling a second wave of COVID-19 with Maharashtra being the worst-hit state. Acurfew from 8 pm to 7 am on weekdays and strict lockdown during the weekends have been imposed in Mumbai amid an unprecedented surge in COVID-19 cases.
Meanwhile, Kajol's Baazigar co-star Shilpa Shetty also had something similar to say on World Health Day. The 45-year-old actress made a video with her face mask on to drive home this point: "This mask here is here a reason and it's going to stay put every time I go out. Please mask up guys, take it seriously. Take your health seriously."
In terms of work, Kajol was last seen in the Netflix film Tribhanga, which marked her digital debut. Produced by Ajay Devgn, Tribhanga was directed by Renuka Sahane and it also starred Tanvi Azmi and Mithila Palkar. She also starred in the short film Devi last year.