Arjun Kapoor, who is spending his quarantine days by commenting on Instagram posts of his friends, dropped an ROFL on girlfriend Malaika Arora's Instagram. On Tuesday afternoon, Malaika shared a collage of sleeping photos of she and her besties (Kareena Kapoor included but more on that later) on Instagram and captioned it: "Friends that nap together, stay forever." In the photo, the sleeping Malaika sports a subtle smile on her face, which did not go unnoticed by Arjun Kapoor, who had to had to share the observation.
"But you know I smile in my sleep," Malaika responded in the comments section with the smirk smiley. Here's a look at Malaika and Arjun's PDA on Instagram:
Meanwhile, Malaika's photo comprises glimpses of her sister Amrita Arora, Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor and Mallika Bhatt in their snooze modes.
Malaika and Arjun may not post a lot of photos with each other on Instagram but there's no end to their PDA on social media. On Janta Curfew, the couple were spotted clapping together from the balcony to cheer for Covid-19 fighters. Here's how they are spending their quarantine - Malaika is busy with yoga and cooking while Arjun's pet dog Maximus is keeping him occupied and some major work-out at his home gym.
Bollywood's new couple on the block, Arjun and Malaika always send the paparazzi into a tizzy with their appearances together.