Akshata Murty, a renowned businesswoman and fashion designer, recently shared a heartwarming Instagram post showcasing her special bond with her mother, Sudha Murty, a philanthropist and Rajya Sabha MP. The post featured a collection of photos capturing their tender moments together, including a relaxed afternoon on a terrace and a leisurely stroll in a park. She also shared a throwback photo showing a young Akshata sitting on her mother's lap. In the accompanying caption, Ms Murty expressed her deep affection and admiration for her mother. She also highlighted the invaluable lessons she's learned from Sudha Murty and said she hopes to pass on those values to her own daughters.
"The mother-daughter relationship is a special one. I continue to learn from my mum and hope for those same values being passed on to my girls," read the caption of the post.
See the post here:
Ms Murty's heartfelt post resonated with internet users, raking in over 95,000 likes and countless praises for the beautiful bond she shares with her mother. Reacting to the photo, one user said, "You have no idea how much your mother has inspired me! She's a beautiful soul, god bless." Another commented, "Mother and daughter never truly part, maybe in distance but never in heart."
A third added, "Down to earth and inspirational women!"
Akshata Murty is a UK-based businesswoman, fashion designer, and venture capitalist. Born on April 25, 1980, in Hubli, Karnataka, she's the daughter of Indian businessman and Infosys founder NR Narayana Murty and philanthropist Sudha Murty. As the wife of former UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, she holds significant influence and wealth. She owns a 0.93% stake in Infosys, making her one of the wealthiest women in the UK. Her personal wealth is estimated to be around 651 million pounds which is even more than the British royal family's wealth.
The Murthy family recently had a lovely reunion in Bengaluru, where they spent quality time together at the Raghavendra Swamy Mutt in Jayanagar. Akshata's husband, former UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, joined in on the family bonding, alongside Sudha Murty and Akshata's father, Infosys founder Narayana Murthy.
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