Entrepreneur and former Shark Tank India judge Ashneer Grover is currently on a visit to the Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru with his wife Madhuri Jain Grover. Upon his arrival to the city, Oberoi Hotels extended the couple a warm welcome with some personalized and unique gifts. Ms Jain took to Instagram stories to share a video that shows replicas of Rs 2,000 notes and dollar bills with Mr. Grover's face imprinted on them, instead of Mahatma Gandhi and Benjamin Franklin's.
The couple was also gifted Chikmagalur coffee pralines, following which Ms Jain thanked the hotel staff for the gesture.
Here is the image:
Earlier, Mr Grover commented on a video of several Ferraris stuck in Bengaluru traffic. In the video, a fleet of luxurious Ferrari supercars was seen in the midst of a lengthy traffic jam on Church Street Bel Road.
He wrote, ''More like Bengaluru takes down Ferrari! I feel the pain of having so many horses and being stuck in traffic.''
Prior to that, he courted controversy when he took a dig at Shark Tank India 3 over the number of judges. He remarked that having 12 judges on the third season of Shark Tank India, instead of the usual six, created an impression that the popular reality show was conducting a preliminary "audition" of the Sharks before selecting them for the next season.
''Shark Tank 3 is 'audition' of sharks for Shark Tank 4! Life mein ek lesson hai -- don't change and make unnecessary problems of something which is already solved. Wish quantity solves for quality,'' he wrote.
Mr Grover was a popular judge previously on Shark Tank India. He became a fan-favourite in the show's hit first season for his no-nonsense attitude and his catchy one-liners. However, after his departure from his previous employer, BharatPe, a financial startup, he was removed from the show.
Notably, Shark Tank is a reality show where startups seek investment from established businessmen. The first season of Shark Tank India premiered in December 2021, followed by its second season in January 2023.