Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Manoj Tiwari welcomed a baby girl on Monday morning. The Bhojpuri actor posted a photo from the hospital along with this wife Surabhi Tiwari while announcing the birth of the child. This is the second child for the couple and the third for Manoj Tiwari. In a tweet posted in Hindi, Mr Tiwari said he was first blessed with Lakshmi and now Saraswati. The 51-year-old leader also asked his followers and other social media users to bless his daughter.
"With great pleasure, I inform you that Saraswati has arrived at my home after Lakshmi. A cute little girl was born today... I urge everyone to bless her.... Surbhi-Manoj Tiwari," the MP said in his tweet.
Many well-wishers, including BJP leaders, congratulated Mr Tiwari and his wife on Twitter.
"Many congratulations Shri Manoj Tiwari ji," tweeted Union minister Dr Subhas Sarkar.
"Congratulations Surbhi ji and Manoj ji. May Shri Krishna shower his choicest blessings on the baby girl," user Manish Sharma said in his tweet.
Last month, Mr Tiwari had shared a video of his wife's "Godh Bharai" (Baby Shower) ceremony.
In the accompanying video, Mr Tiwari and his wife were seen rejoicing amid the colourful ceremony while happily posing together. They also met and greeted their guests, who congratulated the couple. Mr Tiwari's wife was also seen flaunting her baby bump and posing along with their daughter, Saanvika.
Mrs Surabhi is Manoj Tiwari's second wife and they welcomed a daughter in 2020. Earlier, he got married to Rani Tiwari in 1999 and together they have a daughter named Rhiti. In 2012, Mr Manoj and Rani Tiwari decided to part ways after 11 years of marriage.