Elon Musk Shares Old Video Explaining Why Making Life Multiplanetary Is Important

Elon Musk has repeatedly said that he wants to make humanity a "multi-planetary species" by establishing a colony on the Red Planet.

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The video has accumulated more than 40 million views.

Billionaire Elon Musk recently reshared an old video clip in which he spoke about one the most important goals in his life: to make life multi-planetary. The SpaceX and Tesla CEO shared a video clip from one of his presentations from 2008. In the clip, Mr Musk argued why humans should invest in colonising other planets. He explained that expanding our reach to other planets would be as important as life evolving from the oceans and moving on to land. 

"Life becoming multiplanetary would be at least as important, if not more important, than life going from oceans to land," Mr Musk said. "If you have something which could fit on the importance scale of the evolution of life itself then it's reasonable to say it's important and should get some of our resources," he added.

Watch the video below: 

The billionaire also jokingly suggested that governments should allocate money for space travel that is less than what is spent on medicare and more than on lipstick. "We spend a lot on lipstick, by the way," he said in the video. He also emphasised the need for a reusable spacecraft that can make space travel affordable. 

Mr Musk shared the video just a few hours ago. Since then, it has accumulated more than 40 million views. 


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Notably, Mr Musk has repeatedly said that he wants to make humanity a "multi-planetary species" by establishing a colony on the Red Planet. In 2011, he stated that he would put a man on Mars in the next 10 years. However, in 2022 he revealed that he has pushed back his target date for reaching the Red Planet. More recently, Mr Musk said that humans could be living in a city on Mars in the next 30 years. 


Earlier this year, Mr Musk also shared his "game plan" to relocate one million people to the Red Planet. He, however, stopped short of giving a deadline. "Starship is the largest rocket ever built and it'll take us to Mars," tweeted Tesla Owners Silicon Valley. To this, Mr Musk replied, "We are mapping out a game plan to get a million people to Mars. Civilization only passes the single-planet Great Filter when Mars can survive even if Earth supply ships stop coming."

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