Yograj Singh, the father of former cricketer Yuvraj Singh, sent a text message to Arjun Tendulkar, who achieved a remarkable feat on Wednesday, scoring his maiden first-class century on his Ranji Trophy debut in a match against Rajasthan. According to Indian Express, Mr Singh congratulated Arjun and said he will become "a great all-rounder one day". With the century, Arjun emulated a feat achieved by his father, the legendary Sachin Tendulkar. Arjun has who shifted base to Goa from Mumbai to get more opportunities.
"Well batted son. One day you will be a great all-rounder. Mark my words," Yograj Singh said in his text message from UK, according to the Express report.
Arjun trained with Yograj Singh for two weeks in September for the JP Atray Memorial tournament in Chandigarh. The photos of Arjun's training with Yograj Singh had gone viral after they appeared online.
"In the first week of September, I got a call from Yuvi (Yuvraj), saying, 'Dad, Arjun will be in Chandigarh for two weeks and Sachin has requested if you have time to train him'. How could I have said no to Sachin? He is like my elder son. But I had one condition. I told Yuvi, 'You know my way of training and I don't want anyone to intervene'," he told Indian Express.
Yograj Singh is known to be a tough taskmaster and Arjun realised this after spending a few weeks with him. He used to wake-up at 5am, go for a two-hour gym session and undergo weight training in a way that will reduce the chance of injury.
Mr Singh told the outlet that he told the boy he needs to forget he is Sachin Tendulkar's son. The former fast bowler was impressed by Arjun's batting in the nets, he gave the feedback to Sachin that his son could be a "destroyer".
But there were moments of fun too. A few months ago, a video surfaced on social media that showed Arjun Tendulkar doing bhangra dance with Mr Singh. The coach was also seen teaching Arjun how to perform the dance.
On Wednesday, the 23-year-old reached his ton off 177 deliveries on the second day of the four-day match against Rajasthan in Ranji competition.
Coming in to bat at number seven, Arjun was out for 120 at the Goa Cricket Association ground in Porvorim. The left-hander slammed 16 fours and two sixes in his 207-ball knock.
His father and the world's all-time highest run scorer Sachin Tendulkar also reached three figures on his Ranji Trophy debut in December 1988.