Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha and actor Parineeti Chopra are in news after videos of their outings appeared on social media. Fans and followers want to know if they are in a relationship. Though both Mr Chadha and Ms Chopra have not officially said anything, a tweet by AAP leader Sanjeev Arora, where he blessed their "union", went viral. And now, the actor liked one of the videos shared by the AAP leader on Instagram, sparking a flurry of comments from users.
The video, posted on Wednesday, shows Mr Chadha addressing rallies and has been liked by Ms Chopra and nearly 38,000 other users.
"Bollywood vibe," commented one user. "Please tell us when you are getting married," said another.
Both Mr Chadha and Ms Chopra were spotted together at the Delhi airport on Wednesday night. The actor hurriedly entered the car without speaking anything to the media persons standing there.
She was dressed in black outfits. Mr Chadha was accompanying her and he also made his way hurriedly inside the car.
According to news agency ANI, Parineeti and Raghav studied together at the London School of Economics and have been friends for a long time now.
Parineeti and Raghav also follow each other on Instagram.
On Tuesday, AAP's Rajya Sabha MP Sanjeev Arora congratulated Mr Chadha and Ms Chopra. "May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes," said Mr Arora.
When he was asked about his meetings with Parineeti Chopra, Raghav had given a vague answer. "Aap mujhse raajneeti ke sawaal kariye, Parineeti ke na kariye (Please ask me questions about politics, not Parineeti)," he had said while coming out of Parliament last week.