Australian actor Rebel Wilson has announced that she and girlfriend Ramona Agruma are engaged. The 42-year-old shared a post on Instagram on Sunday which has two photos - a close-up of the ring and another one showing her smiling with Ms Agruma, a fashion and jewelry designer. The photos also show Ms Wilson and Ms Agruma wearing matching pink and white striped sweaters with a black heart etched on them. They are seen surrounded by pink roses with Disneyland's iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle in the background.
"We said YES! Thank you @tiffanyandco for the stunning ring and to Bob Iger and the incredible team at Disneyland @disneyweddings for pulling off this magical surprise!" Ms Wilson said on Instagram.
Ms Wilson and Ms Agruma went public with their relationship in June last year. "I thought I was searching for a Disney Prince ... but maybe what I really needed all this time was a Disney Princess," Ms Wilson had said at the time.
Ms Agruma is the founder of athleisure brand Lemon Ve Limon.
In November 2022, Ms Wilson welcomed her first child -daughter Royce Lillian - via surrogacy.
"I can't even describe the love I have for her, she's a beautiful miracle! I am forever grateful to everyone who has been involved, (you know who you are), this has been years in the making... but particularly wanted to thank my gorgeous surrogate who carried her and birthed her with such grace and care. Thank you for helping me start my own family, it's an amazing gift. The best gift," she had said on Instagram.
Rebel Wilson was previously dating American businessman Jacob Busch. They split in early 2021.
She has appeared in popular romcoms like the Pitch Perfect series, Senior Year, Bridesmaids, A Few Best Men, How To Be Single, Grimsby, What To Expect When You're Expecting, Struck by Lightning and Bachelorette.