Tata Motors on Thursday launched the 2023 Nexon facelift at an ex-showroom price of Rs 8.1 lakh. The company has updated the car with new features, futuristic design and new transmission options. The refreshed Nexon will come in in four variants: Smart, Pure, Creative and Fearless. Tata Motors had already opened pre-bookings for the car on September 4. The company also unveiled the facelift of Nexon EV at the same programme. As per a teaser shared by the company on social media, the TATA Nexon Facelift EV will be available in four different colours including Pristine White, Daytona Grey, Intensi Teal and Flame Red.
The top variant of the Tata Nexon facelift will go up to Rs 13 lakh (ex-showroom), the company announced today.
Powering the Nexon facelift is a 1.2-litre turbocharged engine that is capable of generating 118 bhp of power and 170Nm of peak torque. Another option with 1.5-litre diesel engine generating 113 bhp of power was also revealed today.
The new Nexon also get a 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system along with a fully digital instrument cluster, and a voice-operated electric sunroof.
"Nexon has been India's number 1 SUV for two years in a row. Tata Motors has sold over 5.5 lakh units of the car so far," said Shailesh Chandra, Managing Director, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Ltd and Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd.
The new model's safety features include six airbags, Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and three-point seat belts for all seats.
The Nexon EV that was unveiled today is being offered with two battery options - 40.5kwh and 30kwh. The first one (called Nexon MR) has a range of 325 kilometres, while the variant with the bigger battery (called Nexon LR) can go up tp 465 kilometres in a single charge, as claimed by the company.
The MR variant starts at a price of Rs 14.74 lakh and goes up to Rs 17.84 lakh. The LR variant has a price range of Rs 18.19 lakh to Rs 19.94 lakh.
The Nexon made its debut at the Auto Expo in 2014. It is the first crossover SUV from Tata Motors and occupies the sub-4 metre crossover SUV segment in India.