"Unexpected Teachers": Mamaearth's Ghazal Alagh Shares What She Learnt From Her Children

From finding happiness in simple things to staying curious, Ms Alagh shared five points on how kids might "surprise you".

'Unexpected Teachers': Mamaearth's Ghazal Alagh Shares What She Learnt From Her Children

The post has accumulated more than 2,600 views.

Ghazal Alagh, co-founder of beauty brand Mamaearth, recently shared the lessons she learnt from her children. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), Ms Alagh referred to kids as "life's most unexpected teachers" and shared how they can be mentors for life. From finding happiness in simple things to staying curious, Ms Alagh shared five points on how kids might "surprise you". 

"Kids are life's most unexpected teachers. Here's what my little ones have taught me: Finding happiness in simple things, accepting others without judgement, listening to the body's needs, staying curious and asking questions. If you have a kid, you have a mentor for life. They might surprise you!" Ms Alagh wrote on the social media platform.

Take a look below: 

Ms Alagh shared the post just a day back. Since then, it has accumulated more than 2,600 views. In the comments section, while some users agreed with Ms Alagh, others shared the lessons they learnt from their kids. 

"Very very perceptive observations these ...Yes we need a radical perspective at every stage ! And kids spontaneously and unknowingly offer them!" wrote one user. "Taking right clues from the events of life is so important in life. Your wisdom is also fine clue Ghazal. Thanks for sharing them. May you be Blessed!" commented another. 

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"My best learning from kids - They do only stuff which has joy & fun element. Even the work," shared a third user. 

"That is so true! Having a child around you teaches you how life is meant to be lived and as adults we just come up with ways to mess it up more and more," wrote a fourth. 

"You missed the most important!! We learn from children that we should give 100% effort to achieve our goals, just like they do when they want a toy," commented one X user. 

Ms Alagh is an avid social media user. Earlier, she shared five qualities that separate top one per cent individuals from the rest. "5 habits that separate the top 1% of people from the rest. 1. They're consistent with their habits and promises. 2. They keep quality people around. 3. They do more and speak less. 4. They read and invest in gaining more knowledge. 5. They plan their days, weeks, and months ahead of time," she wrote. 
