Luxury fashion brands are known for their innovative ideas. However, luxurious goods also have outrageous prices. Numerous things that went viral online include the Dolce & Gabbana "Khaki Ski Mask Cap" for Rs 32,000 or the Hugo Boss flip-flops offered for Rs 9,000. Now, in the latest perplexing fashion trend, French luxury brand Louis Vuitton debuted a pair of ill-fitting boots dyed to mimic a woman's leg, white ankle socks and a black stiletto. The knee-high boots are priced at nearly $2,500 (over Rs 2 lakh) and are available in just two skin tone options.
Taking to social media, fashion influencer Isabelle Allain described the boots as "weird shit". The content creator unboxed the product, which she said has an "integrated calf". "They were on the runway like a year ago and I knew that the second they would come out I had to get them," she said in the clip, which scored millions of views on Instagram.
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Now, this unique footwear design has sparked a flurry of reactions on social media platforms. While some users deemed the design as "hideous," others said that they would consider buying them if the brand offered other skin tones.
"1000% were like these boots are hideous in your first post...and now I'm like damn...I need these," wrote one user. "I've never wanted to hate but ended up loving something so much omg," said another.
"Your beautiful but I hate the boots," commented a third user. "I feel like I should think the boots are weird but they're so cool and I love them so much," added another.
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"I'll buy if they offer other skin tones," said a fifth user, while another user added, "They low key look like cigarettes in heels and I'm here for it".
According to the item description, these boots called the "Illusion high boots" are the key look of Louis Vuitton's Fall-Winter 2023 fashion show. They are the nod to the "surrealist art movement". "Supple calfskin is painted by hand to create the illusion of a sock, complete with ribbed detailing and the LV Initials, worn inside a black shoe," the description of the product reads.