Australian celebrity chef Sarah Todd recently gave a glimpse of her ride on India's most luxurious train, the Golden Chariot. Taking to Instagram, Ms Todd shared a video showcasing the ultra-luxurious amenities inside the train, including a spa, gym, lounge bar, business centre and comfortable cabins. "From the moment you step onto its opulent carriages, it's a journey like no other," she wrote in the caption of the post. "Think indulgent meals served in vintage dining cars, dreamy cabins and every corner filled with a touch of royal elegance," she said.
"But the magic doesn't stop on board-this train makes stops at ancient temples, breathtaking landscapes, and cultural gems. It's not just travel; it's an experience that seamlessly blends history, luxury, and adventure," the celebrity chef added.
Watch the video below:
The video captures glimpses of her eating, exercising and getting spa inside the train. She also shows her luxurious cabin.
Ms Todd shared the video a few days back, and since then it has accumulated more than 3 million views and over 150,000 likes. In the comments section, users expressed their excitement, with some saying that the journey is now on their bucket list.
"That's my kinda holiday. I could handle some pampering. It looks luxurious," wrote one user. "Running on a treadmill in a moving train! Now that's on my list for sure," commented another.
"It's realty of India thank you for showing best part," expressed a third user. "I admire this so much. A childhood experience I want to rediscover," said a fourth. "This is incredible! What an amazing experience," wrote one user.
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Notably, Golden Chariot offers world-class on-board accommodation with 13 double-bedded cabins, 26 twin-bedded cabins, and 1 cabin for differently abled guests. The train can accommodate up to 80 guests in its 40 cabins, per a statement from IRCTC.
The train boasts several on-board features and amenities, such as renovated luxurious cabins with upholstered furniture, elegant drapery and well-maintained attached bathrooms, crockery and cutlery of reputed international brands, and an exquisite range of linen, the statement said.
Notably, the tariff of the Golden Chariot luxury tourist train is inclusive of all onboard meals and house wines, guided excursions in air-conditioned buses, monument entry fee and meals at outside venues in accordance with the itinerary.