Zoho CEO Praises Elon Musk In Viral Post, Labels Him "True American Patriot"

The controversy surrounding Mr Musk escalated after he expressed support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Zoho CEO Praises Elon Musk In Viral Post, Labels Him 'True American Patriot'

Mr Vembu's post for Elon Musk has gone viral

Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu has labelled Elon Musk "a true American patriot" after US sports commentator and writer Keith Olbermann called for the richest man in the world to be arrested and detained due to his alleged ties with Russia.

"Elon Musk is a true American patriot-he has made America highly competitive in electric vehicles, space technology, tunnel boring, and many other sectors. He is transforming manufacturing in America," Mr Vembu wrote on X, tagging the Mr Musk. "The fact that he is labelled a Russian stooge who should be arrested shows how unhinged and intolerant the American left has become. Fight on, Elon Musk!"

The controversy surrounding Mr Musk escalated after he expressed support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and intensified following a Wall Street Journal report about his alleged connections with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the past two years. This prompted Olbermann to call for Musk's arrest.

"We need to arrest and detain Elon Musk immediately. He is operating on behalf of Russia. Cancel all contracts, seize his facilities, and lock him away in a military facility. Now, not tomorrow," he wrote on X, tagging the account of the US President's office.

In response, Mr Musk seized the opportunity to emphasize his commitment to free speech. "If anyone needed further proof that I strongly support freedom of speech, please note that even a nutcase like Olbermann, who is literally calling for my arrest and government seizure of my companies, is in no way being censored," he said.
