6 Winter Foods You Can Keep On Your Plate All Year Long

How to store winter food for long-time use, even after the winter is over. Check our guide to storing seasonal produce.

6 Winter Foods You Can Keep On Your Plate All Year Long

Winter season gives us a bounty of nutritious food.

The winter season sees our kitchens coming alive with the vibrant hues and hearty flavours of seasonal produce. The markets are brimming with a cornucopia of vegetables and fruits, each offering a unique taste of the winter season. But when we bid adieu to winter, we are not quite ready to say goodbye to winter produce. Good news - you can enjoy the season even after it's gone by storing its bounty. With a bit of effort and foresight, we can savour the tastes of winter long after the chill has faded. To ensure these delights linger on our plates throughout the year, it's time to start storing winter produce.

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Which foods should you store over winter?

It's best to store common winter fruits and vegetables that you're sure to consume the rest of the year as well. Foods like peas are used in innumerable recipes, so foods like these that are available fresh in winter are worthy of being stored for long-term use.

Here Are 6 Winter Foods That You Must Store For All Year Long:

1. Sweet Potatoes

A bowl of sweet potato (shakarkandi) chaat is perfect to enjoy in the evenings or on a rainy day. Sweet potatoes are more nutrient-rich than potatoes, so your snack or other recipes like fries and cutlets would turn out healthier. To make this dream a reality during scorching summers, we need to start by storing these earthy delights.

How To Store Sweet Potatoes:

Choose firm and unblemished sweet potatoes. Store them in a cool, dark place like a cabinet or drawer to prevent sprouting.
A pro tip: avoid storing sweet potatoes and onions together, as they release gases that can quicken spoilage.

2. Leafy Greens: Spinach and Mustard Greens

Winter is synonymous with vibrant green leafy vegetables that not only add colour to our plates but also pack a nutritional punch. Spinach, fenugreek, and mustard greens are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Do you want to continue enjoying a wholesome sarson ka saag or palak paneer even months later? Store the greens now!

How To Store Leafy Greens:

To enjoy their goodness all year round, blanch the green leaves in hot water for a minute, then cool them in ice water before freezing. Store them in airtight containers or zip-lock bags.

3. Winter Fruits: Pomegranates and Beets

Pomegranates and beetroot lend a burst of colour and sweetness to winter salads and desserts. To enjoy their vibrant flavours when the sun is blazing, it's best to buy them in bulk now and save for later. How? Find out here:

How To Store Pomegranate And Beetroot:

Freeze pomegranate arils and beet cubes separately now. Spread them out on a tray, freeze until solid, and then transfer them to freezer bags. These delights can be a refreshing addition to your summer smoothies or a zesty topping for your yogurt.
Also Read: Use These 5 Genius Tricks To Store Food In Freezer

Many foods can be stored safely for long-term use.

Many foods can be stored safely for long-term use.
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Carrots and Radishes

Carrots and radishes bring a satisfying crunch to winter meals. Whether in salads, sabzis, or parathas, these vegetables are our winter go-to. Imagine the happiness of indulging in their flavours even after the winter is over.

How To Store Carrots And Radishes:

To store these root vegetables, wash, peel, and cut them into sticks or rounds. Blanch them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then plunge them into ice-cold water to retain their colour and texture. Once dried, pack them in freezer-safe bags and stash them away. Now you have the perfect ingredients for a quick stir-fry or crunchy salad whenever the mood strikes.

Also Read: 5 Fruits And Vegetables You Should Never Store Together

5. Green Peas

As winter ripens, the plump green peas make their way into our hearts and dishes. To savour their freshness and sweetness beyond the season, peel the peas and store them properly.

How To Store Green Peas:

Blanch the peas in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then cool them rapidly in ice water. Once dried, pack them into freezer bags, and you'll have a stash of peas ready for pulao, curries, or a simple matar masala whenever the craving hits.
Storage tip: Spread the peas on a tray before freezing to prevent them from clumping together. Once frozen, transfer them to freezer bags.

6. Citrus Fruits: Oranges and Kinnows

As winter ripens, citrus fruits fill up our fruit baskets. Oranges and kinnows, bursting with Vitamin C, are not only refreshing but also essential for a strong immune system. Preserve their tangy goodness by turning them into homemade marmalade or freezing citrus segments.

How To Store Citrus Fruits:

Peel the fruit, separate the segments, and freeze them on a tray. Once frozen, transfer them to airtight containers, and voila - a taste of winter sunshine during summer.
Storage tip: If making marmalade, store it in sterilized jars in a cool, dark place. For frozen citrus segments, pack them in airtight containers.

Whether it's a cool drink in July or a spicy snack in September, the flavours of winter will be at your fingertips. Gather your produce, and preserve the winter's harvest for the months ahead. Happy storing and happy cooking!
