During the month of Ramadan, many people flock to Mumbai's Bhendi Bazaar to savour various Iftar treats. Many of these delicious dishes and drinks are available only for a limited time and foodies like to take advantage of their availability. Among the enthusiasts who visited the neighbourhood during Ramadan this year is Bollywood star Farah Khan. She recently posted a reel showcasing her mouth-watering feast at an iconic restaurant in the area. Farah was joined by Faisal Shaikh on her outing.
Also Read: Farah Khan Explains How To "Go Desi" With A Cup Of Tea "When In London"
The duo started their meal at Shabbir's Tawakkal with a dish called bawda, which features lamb shoulder. Faisal tells us that it takes 12 hours to make this delicacy, while Farah jokes that it takes 12 minutes to finish eating it. Next, Farah serves herself and her companion some "mind-blowing" Nalli Nihari. This is followed by a bheja (brains) preparation, flavoured with butter and kalimirch (black pepper). Farah makes a 'brainy' pun on eating brains, with reference to the Hindi expression of "dimag khana" (meaning, "to pester").
Next, the duo savour a mutton roll. Farah Khan marvels at Faisal's capacity to eat. He explains that he was quite hungry earlier. Finally, the pair end their meal with a classic iftar dessert: a yummy-looking malpua. Watch the complete reel below:
Farah Khan had given us a glimpse of her Ramadan outing at Bhendi Bazaar last year as well. She was joined by her brother Saajid Khan and some friends. Wondering what they feasted on? Check out the full story here.
Also Read: Farah Khan And Malaika Arora Enjoyed A Special Biryani Made By Arshad Warsi