First, let us wish Ananya Panday a very happy birthday. The actress turned 25 today but the celebrations started early. Ananya Panday shared a video on Instagram in which she is seen cutting a two-tiered cake, customised with a Bollywood theme. Wondering which flavour? The slice of the cake revealed that it was chocolate-flavoured with ganache layering. The text with the clip reads, "An early cake cutting." She rang in her birthday in the company of close friends, her other Instagram stories revealed.
Also Read: Ananya Panday Knows The Right Way To Enjoy Ice Cream - Here's Proof
Check out Ananya Panday's Instagram story here:
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It turns out that after her special "early cake cutting", Ananya Panday jetted off to Maldives to enjoy a relaxed birthday vacation. How do we know? The actress shared a glimpse of her "perfect birthday morning". Wondering how it looks? A decadent breakfast amidst the picturesque view of turquoise water and blue sky. Ananya Panday on October 30, dropped a textbook-perfect picture on her Instagram stories. It features a plate with two pancakes, kept next to sliced strawberries. Ananya was served pancakes with powdered sugar sprinkled on top of it. She received her breakfast with a special chocolaty message that read, "Happy Birthday."
As every time Ananya Panday jets off to a new location, it is often followed by a long foodie trail. Don't you remember her recent trip to Ibiza? In August, the actress travelled to Ibiza with her family. Their photo dump revealed that on their relaxing vacation, they gorged on lip-smacking meals. We saw them relishing cheesy pizza with avocado salad. See it all here.
We can't wait for Ananya Panday to treat her fans to more foodie-licious posts from her Maldives vacation.
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