This Article is From Jun 29, 2018

Artificial Intelligence May Help Treat Diabetes: 3 Diet Tips To Manage Diabetes At Home

This novel strategy is said to eliminate the use of painful finger pricks several times a day.

It seems that the medical circuit is opening its doors to Artificial Intelligence is a rather big way. Researchers have developed a small non-invasive device by combining radar and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies that would help people with diabetes to monitor their blood sugar levels. This novel strategy is said to eliminate the use of painful finger pricks several times a day.

"We want to sense blood inside the body without actually having to sample any fluid," said lead author George Shaker, professor at the University of Waterloo in Canada.

The researchers revealed that’s this novel system could help detect changes in sugar levels by using a small radar device which sends high-frequency radio waves into liquids containing various levels of glucose and receive radio waves that are reflected back to it.

What follows is the information processing. Information on the reflected waves is then converted into digital data for analysis by machine-learning AI algorithms developed by the researchers.

It is said that the software is capable of detecting glucose changes based on more than 500 wave features or characteristics, including how long it takes for them to bounce back to the device.

The results after initial tests were 85 percent as accurate as the traditional invasive blood analysis

"The correlation was actually amazing. We have shown it is possible to use radar to look into the blood to detect changes," Shaker said, in the paper detailed in the International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction.

Currently, the researchers are also working to shrink the radar device so that it is both low-cost and low-power.

The data analysed by AI algorithms is now sent wirelessly to computers, but in the near future the ultimate aim is to build a  self-contained technology similar to the smartwatches that monitor heart rate.

"Our hope is this can be realised as a smartwatch to monitor glucose continuously," Shaker said.

"I'm hoping we'll see a wearable device on the market within the next five years."

Diabetes management could prove to be tedious task, but a little restraint and discipline will make sure you are able to regulate your blood sugar levels naturally, Here are some dietary steps you must ensure to manage your blood sugar levels. 

1. Follow a balanced diet with complex carbs: Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and good sources of fat is very essential for diabetes management. One must avoid trans fats (also called hydrogenated fat), processed food, and sugar and up intake of complex carbs. Complex carbohydrates are rich in fiber and are not highly processed like refined carbohydrates. They take longer to digest and hence provide a sustained source of energy for a longer duration.


2. Include more Low GI Foods: Glycemic Index (GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI value (55 or less) are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolised and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose. Low GI foods are also rich in fibre which takes the longest to digest, make you feel fuller for a longer time and help control appetite. This could further help in weight management. Tomato, spinach, guavas, cauliflower, and pears are some low glycemic index foods you can choose to add to your diet.


3. Ditch Sugary Drinks and Fruit Juices: Diabetics should steer clear of aerated and sugary drinks, various studies and reports have time and again reinforced that these drinks are full of liquid calories and can cause major spike in the blood sugar levels. Your can of fruit juice is not one of the healthiest substitutes either. Fruit juices especially packaged fruit juices are loaded with fructose that elevates the blood sugar levels. It is advisable to eat whole fruits instead. Fruits are full of fibres, fibres take time to metabolise and thus doesn't result in sudden surge in blood sugar levels. Eat fruits that have a low glycemic index. Eat fruits with some nuts and olives to balance the glycemic load.


(With inputs IANS) 



