Soha Ali Khan's daughter Inaaya deserves a round of applause. On Saturday, the six-year-old treated her mother to breakfast in bed. Curious to know what she cooked? The actress shared a picture of her breakfast plate featuring a heart-shaped omelette. There was also a toasted bread slice, cut in half, and topped with guacamole - a perfect avocado toast. Too good, Inaaya, too good. In the snap, we could also spot a little chef hat with the word "Inaaya" printed on it. Sharing the post, Soha called her daughter the "best chef." She also added "Made with (red heart)" and "Breakfast in bed" GIFs.
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Like Inaaya, let your kid also plan a little breakfast surprise for you. Here are a few easy breakfast dishes your little one can try cooking:
1. Avocado Toast
A popular dish where mashed avocado is spread over toasted bread. Often seasoned with salt, pepper, and lemon juice, it can also be topped with extras like tomatoes, eggs, or sprouts. Click here for the recipe.
2. Omelette
A staple breakfast dish made by beating eggs and cooking them in a pb79an until they form a solid, flat shape. Often filled with ingredients like cheese, vegetables, or meats, it is a versatile and protein-packed meal. Recipe here.
3. Eggless Pancakes
Fluffy pancakes made without eggs, using ingredients like flour, baking powder, milk, and a sweetener. They are cooked on a griddle and can be topped with syrup, fruits, or nuts. Want the recipe? Click here.
4. Bread Upma
A savoury Indian dish made by cooking bread pieces with onions, tomatoes, green chillies, and spices. It is a quick and tasty way to use leftover bread and is often enjoyed for breakfast or as a snack. Detailed recipe here.
5. Masala Rava Idli
This variation of traditional idli is made from semolina (rava) and spiced with mustard seeds, curry leaves, and vegetables. These fluffy and flavorful steamed cakes are often served with chutney or sambar. Follow the recipe here.
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