This Article is From Sep 28, 2023

Business Dining Etiquette: 6 Mistakes You Should Never Make During A Business Meal

Business Dining Etiquette: In this article, we'll guide you through some common mistakes that one should never make during a business meal.

Food News

Image Credit: Istock

Going for a business meal is not the same as the one you go for with friends and family. It is more formal. A business meal may involve just two people or even a larger group; irrespective, there are some common dining etiquettes that one should keep in mind while attending one. Whether you're the host or a guest, these rules apply to both parties. From arriving on time to being mindful of each other's food requirements to being courteous to the wait staff, there are several things that one should keep in mind while attending an office dinner. In this article, we'll guide you through some common mistakes that one should never make during a business meal.
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Business Dining Etiquette: Always be on time for your meal. Photo Credit: iStock

Here Are 6 Mistakes To Avoid During A Business Meal:

1. Arriving late:

Arriving late for a business lunch or dinner can be a major turn-off. This is even more important if you're the host. Make sure to leave a few minutes early so that you can be there to receive your guests once they arrive. Remember, time is precious to everyone. As a guest too, you should be mindful of your host's time. So, if you wish to make a lasting impression, avoid this common mistake.

2. Ordering too much food: 

Another mistake that people make during a corporate meal is that they end up ordering too much food. Remember, you've come to talk business, and food is just a part of it. Save your foodie cravings for times when you go out with your friends or family. Also, avoid ordering foods such as burgers, pasta, or Indian curries that can end up creating a mess. Do not order overly expensive food as well, especially if you're the guest.

3. Ignoring table manners:

You must also follow proper business dining etiquette during such a meal. Make sure to always place the napkin on your lap to prevent your clothes from getting stained while eating. Take small bites and avoid talking or making unpleasant noises as you chew your food. You must also offer to pass the dishes if they seem out of reach for another person.

4. Overdoing the alcohol:

Ordering alcohol at formal business gatherings is a matter of personal preference. If you do end up ordering, make sure to always have it within limits. You must also ask your guests if they're comfortable with the idea. Stick to non-alcoholic beverages if no one else is drinking. While there are no hard-and-fast rules for this, it's best to avoid drinking during such meals and save it for other events.
Also Read: Revealed: 7 Dining Etiquette Protocols Followed By The Royal Family

Photo Credit: Istock

5. Rushing through the meal:

If you have a habit of rushing through your meal, consider slowing down a bit. As it's a formal environment, rushing through your meal while the others are still eating might make you look inconsiderate and rude. Take smaller bites and chew your food properly instead of just gulping it down. It may seem like a small thing, but it can save you from giving a bad impression to others

6. Being rude to wait staff: 

Being rude to the wait staff is probably the worst thing you could do during such meals. If you're meeting someone for the first time, it can leave a negative first impression and even make the client lose interest in discussing business matters with you. Being disrespectful to people in general is unacceptable, and doing so during corporate dinners is even worse. Always treat the wait staff with respect.

So, the next time you're heading to a business meal, keep these tips in mind to make a lasting impression.

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