Taking Indian cuisine to the global platform, celebrity Chef Vikas Khanna is all set to launch his new restaurant in New York. Chef Vikas took to social media to announce his upcoming project. Named 'Bungalow', the restaurant is all set to open its doors to patrons on March 23. According to the Instagram post shared by Chef Vikas, Bungalow New York is a tribute to his late sister Radhika Khanna, who would have turned 50 on March 23, 2024. "We open Bungalow on an auspicious day as a tribute to her life," he writes. For the uninitiated, in 2022 Chef Vikas' sister Radhika reportedly passed away due to multiple organ failure at the age of 48.
In his post, Chef Vikas Khanna also mentions that his new restaurant and its menu will also honour "millions of kitchens, chefs, cookbook writers, street vendors, and home cooks across India - and most importantly to our mothers, who have nurtured our souls forever."
Watch the detailed post below:
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According to the official website of the restaurant, Bungalow is a premier restaurant and cocktail bar in New York that will showcase the food and culture of India's bygone years. From the earthy aroma of the indigenous spices to the flavours of India's quintessential recipes that are passed on through generations, the restaurant is expected to have it all.