This Article is From Oct 23, 2017

Depression Ups Risk Of Early Death in Women: Herbal Remedies May Help Feel Better

You can use sesame oil as nose drops or for massaging the feet.



  • Depression is one of the most common women's mental health problems
  • It is also more persistent in women than men
  • Depression has significantly increased the risk of early death in women

"Depression is not only the most common women's mental health problem but may be more persistent in women than men. More research is needed," WHO. According to a recent study conducted by the experts at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, US, depression has significantly increased the risk of early death in women. Many women have come to shoulder responsibilities way more than what they were taking care of earlier.

In the study, the lifespan for young adults with depression at the age 25 was markedly shorter over the 60-year period -- the lifespan shortened ranging from 10 to 12 fewer years of life, then four to seven years and later seven to 18 fewer years of life, reported IANS. Family physicians should monitor their patients for mood disturbances, especially recurrent episodes of depression, so that they may offer treatment and support, experts suggested.

Ayurveda is a goldmine of herbal ingredients that can be put together to arrive at health-benefiting potions and concoctions. Some of the most easily available ingredients that can be put to use to keep a check on depression would include the following:

Basil or Tulsi

Tuli leaves can be mixed with sage, boiled in water and consumed twice a day to keep a check on mood swings and depression. Works well for Vata dominated individuals.

Sesame oil

You can use sesame oil as nose drops or for massaging feet. This will help in making one feel better. Works well for people dominated by Vata.

Coconut Oil

Those who are dominated by Pitta can try massaging head and feet with coconut oil. Sunflower oil for the same purpose is also effective.

Apple Juice

Kapha dominated people can have apple juice to lighten the heaviness of the mind. Sipping on ginger tea also helps a great deal.

Get in touch with a certified Ayurveda expert to known your prakriti - body constitution as per Ayurveda - and how natural ingredients can help alleviate depression for you. Consult a mental healthcare expert to know more about depression and how to spot the early signs. All remedies are sourced from The Complete Book of Ayurveda Home Remedies by Dr. Vasant Lad.

Inputs from IANS
