This Article is From Jun 30, 2018

Diet Tips For Monsoon: Here's How You Can Keep Yourself From Getting Sick This Rainy Season

We tell you some monsoon health and diet tips to ensure that you do not get sick and enjoy it more.

Diet Tips For Monsoon: Here's How You Can Keep Yourself From Getting Sick This Rainy Season

Rainy season in India has arrived and we couldn't be more excited. It's that time of the year, when we are tempted to bingeing on piping-hot pakodas, chaat, samosas, and bhajjiyas from the local chaat-wallahs. The street food may taste delicious, but the chances of it being contaminated are way more. Our body become more susceptible to certain health risks, as our immunity becomes weaker. The humidity in atmosphere is high in monsoon, as a result of which body's digestive capability tends to bog down. The damp and filthy conditions in monsoon plays a host for many disease causing germs and bacteria, which further result in diseases like dengue, malaria, typhoid, viral fever, gastrointestinal disturbances and dysentery. It is always good to prepare foods and drinks at home; we understand that they may not taste the same as street foods but will be safer and healthier and will have hygienic ingredients. We tell you some monsoon health and diet tips to ensure that you do not get sick and enjoy it more.


Here are monsoon health and diet tips that you should always keep in mind:


  1. Eat more fruits in rainy season as they help build immunity and restore energy. Apple, pomegranates, mangoes and pears are some of the best fruits you could eat. Try avoiding watermelons and muskmelons as they can lead to digestive problems.
  2. Carry your own drinking water and depend less on other sources as they may not be safe. Do not eat ice from outside and avoid drinking beverages like juices, buttermilk, et al. from roadside vendors.
  3. Wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly as soon as you bring them from outside. Make sure you wash them at least four to five times. Boil veggies like green leafy veggies as they are said to be the bearers of bacteria.
  4. Make sure you wash your hands frequently and keep a sanitiser handy. Your hands are the biggest infection carriers.
  5. Avoid buying fruits and vegetables that are pre-cut. When they are cut and kept in the open, they can catch bacteria and germs. Make sure they are cooked well.
  6. Eat a light meal, considering your digestive system has already gone for a toss this monsoon season.
  7. Don't be lazy. Engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity or exercise and sweat out the extra moisture and potentially harmful bacteria.
  8. Rainy season comes with a lot of infections; keep a check on any early symptom that occurs to ensure that you do not fall sick. Do not, in any case, ignore even the smallest of symptoms.
  9. Personal hygiene during rainy season is a must. There is no chance you did not step on that muddy puddle through the day. Make sure you wash it an anti-bacterial solution or soap to clean all of the germs.
  10. Keep yourself hydrated even if you don't feel thirsty. Dehydration in your body could lead to a drop in the immunity, further making you less energetic.


Foods that you should avoid during rainy season


1. Seafood

Monsoon is considered the breeding season for fish and prawns so they should be best avoided at least this time of the year. Stick to chicken and mutton to satiate your cravings for non-vegetarian food.

2. Fried foods

While we all crave for fried foods during rainy season, there is a reason we must stop. The highly humid weather causes our digestion process to slow down and fried snacks, as it is, take a lot of time to digest. This can cause bloating, gas or acidity. These foods also contain a lot of sodium, which can cause water retention.

(Also Read: 7 Natural Remedies To Cure Your Monsoon Beauty Woes)

(Also Read: Here Are 12 Different Pakodas To Savour This Monsoon)

3. Fizzy drinks

Fizzy drinks are known to reduce minerals in out body, which leads to reduction of enzyme activity. A weak enzyme activity is undesirable when your digestive system is at an all-time low. Keep a bottle of water or lemon water whenever you feel like drinking any soft beverage.

(Also Read: 10 Healthy Monsoon Snacks)

4. Leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables may be superfoods, but should be avoided during monsoon. The dampness present in them makes them highly susceptible to germs. So it is better to forgo spinach, cabbage, cauliflower this season. Instead choose to eat more bitter veggies like bottle gourd, bitter gourd or tinda.

Monsoon season is here, it is best to keep these tips handy and ensure a healthy and happy rainy season!


