This Article is From Dec 08, 2017

Disturbed Sleep May Up Depression Risk, Try These Herbs to Curb The Symptoms!

If you have been experiencing quite a few days of sleeping disorders, there is a chance you may develop the symptoms of depression.



  • Sleep deprivation may up the risk of depression
  • Teenagers dealing with sleep deprivation may indulge more in addictions
  • Chronic sleep deprivation reduces the proper functioning of putamen
If you have been experiencing quite a few days of sleeping disorders, there is a chance you may develop the symptoms of depression. According to a study conducted by University of Pittsburgh in the US, teenagers dealing with sleep deprivation may indulge more in risk-taking behaviour and addictions. This is because chronic sleep deprivation reduces the proper functioning of putamen- an area of the brain that plays a vital role in goal based movements and learning from rewards. Lack of proper sleep also leads to less activity in the brain's reward system.

For the research, the team studied the sleeping behavior of participants aged between 11 to 15 years. The team divided the total participants in two groups and allowed one group to sleep for four hours while the rest completed 10 hours of sleep. While noting the MRI scans of the participants each time the team repeated the same sleeping patterns and interchanged it in between the groups. While in rest condition, the brain region did not show any difference between high and low reward conditions. After a night of restricted sleep, the participants who experienced less activation in the putamen also reported more symptoms of depression.

Depression has become a common condition nowadays. Its symptoms may include stress, anxiety and overthinking. Here are some herbs that may help curbing these symptoms, if the not the condition completely.

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is one of the best treatments for anxiety and stress; it is believed to relieve both the symptoms due to the presence of active compounds like steroidal lactones, saponins, alkaloids and withanolides that provide antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties.

2. Brahmi

Brahmi has an age old reputation of relieving stress. Brahmi acts as an adaptogen that simply means it helps the body adapt to new or stressful situations. When consumed, it is believed to up the serotonin levels in the brain that help the mind keep calm.

3. Jatamasi

Jatamasi has anti-depressant and anti-stress properties. The roots of jatamasi are used for the medicinal purposes in Ayurveda which are known to give a therapeutic effect to mood swings and stress disorders.

4. Pudina

Pudina has been used for centuries to cure nervous system disorders due to the presence of menthol as it helps calm the frazzled nerves and has a cooling effect.

