It was a working birthday for actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas this year, who is currently in Australia, shooting for her upcoming film The Bluff. This does not mean the actor did not enjoy her special day. Sharing glimpses from her birthday celebration on her Instagram handle, Priyanka expressed her gratitude for receiving all the love from her husband Nick who could not be present, her daughter Malti, her mother Madhu Chopra, and all her fans. She also thanked the cast, crew and producers of her upcoming film, who organised a lovely celebration for the star on the film set.
As seen in the photos shared by Priyanka, there are two birthday cakes. One is a small yet decadent cake topped with Oreos, placed on a table with her family photo, birthday cards, flowers and a balloon decoration in the background that said, "Happy Birthday Pri". The second cake is from the set of her upcoming film. It is a blue-coloured cake, resembling an ocean, with a huge edible sea shell on top. The cake had the text "Happy Birthday Priyanka" and a message on the background read, "Family is the strongest crew".
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There's more! Priyanka was surprised with a dosa truck, offering a variety of options like plain dosa, masala dosa, Mysore masala dosa and more. The truck came from Dosa Hut - an Indian Multi Cuisine Restaurant in Mount Gravatt, Australia. Priyanka also shared a glimpse of a big cooking pot full of mouthwatering biryani and a colourful waffle truck.
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In the caption, Priyanka wrote, "It was a working birthday this year. I've had so many of those over the years and have realised it's one of my favourite ways to celebrate my birthday. To be doing what I love, on a film set. Thank you to my incredible husband who made his presence felt in such special ways, even though he was not here @nickjonas. The Dosa truck for the crew tho!!!"
She added, "My cast, crew and producers of The Bluff, thank you all for the laughter, the joy, the beautifully decorated trailers, bringing in all the flowers every few minutes (sorry ADs) the waffle truck, the hugs, the cards, the cakes, you all are the best and I would not want yesterday to be any other way."
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