This Article is From Aug 14, 2017

Drinking Red Wine And Tea May Boost Immune System and Help Combat Flu

Researchers at Washington University in the United States, claim that a compound found in the beverages could be linked to boosting the immune system


Red wine and tea lovers may have a reason to rejoice. According to a latest study, drinking tea and wine may help prevent influenza. Researchers at Washington University in the United States, claim that a compound found in the beverages could be linked to boosting the immune system. The study was published in the journal Science, and it found that a particular gut microbe has the potential to avert severe flu infections in mice by breaking down naturally occurring compounds called flavonoids.

The study is especially important for its far reaching effects. Researchers say that this strategy could prove to be an effective way in staving off severe damage from flu when the interaction occurs prior to infection with the influenza virus. They further explained that microbes that live in the gut not only digest the food, but also have long-term effects on the immune system.

Ashley Steed, from St. Louis Children's Hospital in the U.S said, "For years, flavonoids have been thought to have protective properties that help regulate the immune system to fight infections."

Flavonoids are diverse group of phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables. They are also commonly found in black tea, red wine and blueberries.

"Flavonoids are common in our diets, so an important implication of our study is that it is possible that flavonoids work with gut microbes to protect us from flu and other viral infections," he added.


(Inputs PTI)
