This Article is From Aug 30, 2017

Early Lifestyle Changes May Cut Risks of Lifestyle Diseases: 4 Ayurveda Tips for a Healthier You

One of the thumb rules of enjoying a healthy lifestyle is to practice portion control.



  • Regular medical counseling may stave off risk of lifestyle diseases
  • Health maintenance depends a great deal on self-education
  • Avoiding tobacco, alcohol and processed food is also important
According to a recent study published in the BMC Medicine Journal, regular medical counseling and educational sessions may stave off risk of developing cardiovascular ailments and lifestyle diseases like diabetes. Experts at King's College London found that families who indulged in regular (once in every three months) interactive medical and health counseling sessions reported lesser incidents of cardiovascular ailments and diseases like diabetes in the following three years as compared to those who participated in fewer such sessions or didn't participate at all.

Health maintenance depends a great deal on educating yourself and practicing a routine that is best for your health. An ideal mix of a balanced diet and regular exercising can go a long way in ensuring good health. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol and processed food consumption is also something that is of the utmost importance to remain healthy. Interestingly, Ayurveda lists down a number of easy-to-follow rituals and tips that can be included in your daily routine to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Take a look!

1. Eat according to your prakriti

Ayurveda divides human body types into three categories - vata, pitta and kapha. Experts strongly recommend customizing meal plans according to the prakriti type of a person. For example, kapha people are recommended to steer clear of food items that would induce mucus production or are cool in nature.

2. Eat in moderation

One of the thumb rules of enjoying a healthy lifestyle is to practice portion control and not consume anything heavy to digest after sunset.

3. Rules of Hydration

Hydration is important but one should know when to have water and when not. Never guzzle down water in a go. Take few sips and keep having throughout the day. It is best to consume lukewarm water and never to have it while or right after your meals.

4. Seasonal is best

With the change in season most are prone to allergies and a host of ailments. Adding seasonal produce to your diet will give your system a break from the usual and also nourish and fortify it from within.
