Telangana's Food Safety Department's latest round of inspections was conducted in the Sainikpuri area of Hyderabad on August 30, 2024. The task force found wide-ranging violations at three establishments. At Rasa Foods in Sainikpuri, the officials discarded four packets of peeled baby corn as they were expired. They noted that some of the food items kept inside refrigerators were covered but not labelled. The store room was "found to be clumsy and unhygienic". The officials also observed that food and non-food items were being stored together. Dustbins on the premises were open and did not have proper lids. The windows and doors were not closely fitted with insect-proof screens. Moreover, the water analysis report for the RO water used for food preparation was not available.
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The task force inspected Reliance restaurant and bar in Sainikpuri on the same day. At this establishment, they found and discarded synthetic food colours (They suspected these were being used for non-veg food items). They also found open drains with stagnated water, lidless dustbins, refrigerated food items without labels and coverings, etc. The officials noted that the windows were open and were not closely fitted with insect-proof screens. The restaurant's food handlers were not wearing hair caps and aprons at the time of the inspection. The establishment's pest control records and Medical fitness certificates (of food handlers) were unavailable.
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Next, the food safety task force visited The Joint Al-Mandi in Sainikpuri. The officials got rid of expired food items such as rice flour, masala powder and synthetic vinegar discovered on the premises. They also discarded synthetic food colours suspected of being used in non-veg food articles. Some of the food stored inside the fridge was covered but lacked labels. * Windows and doors were not closely fitted with insect-proof screens. Tiles in the kitchen were broken and flooring was found to be patchy. The team noted that the food handlers were not wearing gloves, and their medical fitness certificates were not available with the FBO. The establishment had also not displayed a true copy of its FSSAI license on the premises.
Before this, the food safety task force conducted inspections at Barbeque Nation, Nine O Nine Pub In Hyderabad's Kothapet area. Click here to read the full story.
Also Read: Multiple Food Safety Violations Found At Establishments In Hyderabad's Begum Bazaar