Task force teams from Telangana's Commissioner of Food Safety recently conducted inspections at Next Galleria Mall in the Punjagutta area of Hyderabad. On July 12, 2024, the officials visited several food establishments flouting multiple food safety rules and protocols. At The Coffee Cup, some food handlers were not wearing hairnets and uniforms. Semi-cooked food and raw items in steel containers had covers, but no proper labelling. The officials discovered packets of coffee beans that had no "use by" date or manufacturer information on them. They discarded 1 kilo of shrimp, 1 packet of toned milk and 1 kilo of Chinese chilli paste because they were expired. The team also observed that a few dustbins on the premises were left uncovered.
Also Read: Food Safety Violations Found At Actor Sundeep Kishan's Restaurant In Telangana
Next, the team inspected The Nosh Bistro at Next Galleria Mall. The officials had to get rid of expired items including 600 grams of burger buns, 4 kilos of packed paneer and half a kilo of curds. They also discovered packed raw food items including batter, momos, etc. without packed dates and "use by" dates. Some of the food articles stored in steel containers were covered but not labelled properly. A few of the dustbins were not covered with lids. The task force also noted that the establishment had not displayed the true copy of its FSSAI license on the premises.
When the officials visited The Spicy Beijing in the same mall, they found that it was operating with registration even though the business "comes under license category." It had not displayed the true copy of its FSSAI registration true copy on the premises. Furthermore, the medical fitness certificates for food handlers and pest control records for premises were unavailable. The team discovered that some of the food items kept covered inside steel containers did not have proper labelling. The dustbins were partially open. The team also noted that the exit door was not closely fitted to prevent entry of pests.
Also Read: Multiple Restaurants And Eating Joints In Hyderabad Raided - Serious Food Safety Issues Uncovered
The other mall establishment that underwent an inspection was Dosa Darbar and Chaat Republic. It was found to be "operating the business without valid license/ registration and upon enquiry displayed expired registration certificate." Inside the kitchen, the officials discovered live cockroach infestation and broken flooring. The latter was also suspected to be possibly harbouring pests. Dustbins were observed to be open without lids. Some of the food handlers did not have hairnets and uniforms on. The handlers' Medical Fitness Certificates were unavailable.
Officials representing Telangana's Commissioner of Food Safety have been conducting raids on restaurants and cloud kitchens in several regions of the state in recent times. Wide-ranging violations were found in the Tolichowki and Gachibowli areas of Hyderabad earlier this month. Click here to read the full story.