Bollywood actor and singer Himesh Reshammiya got married to his girlfriend actor Sonia Kapoor in a private ceremony last night. The news of the singer's marriage to his longtime girlfriend comes close on the heels of two other Bollywood weddings- that of Sonam Kapoor with Anand Ahuja and of Neha Dhupia with Angad Bedi. Himesh and Sonia reportedly tied the knot at his residence on Friday, making the internet flood with congratulatory messages from fans and other Bollywood stars. Himesh Reshammiya announced his marriage to Sonia Kapoor on his social media pages.
Himesh Reshammiya had famously lost a lot of weight in 2016 and there were reports that his then-girlfriend-now-wife Sonia Kapoor had much to do with the dramatic body transformation that he underwent. Reshammiya had lost 20 Kgs for his movie Xpose and he was also sporting six-pack abs in the film. He claimed that he achieved the ripped-body look without the help of steroids or other muscle-building supplements, through a clean, organic diet and a strict workout regime.
Himesh Reshammiya: Diet And Fitness Secrets
Himesh's dramatic change of looks had created a stir, with many people admiring his hard work and many also asking him how he achieved it. Sonia Kapoor had reportedly much to do with Himesh Reshammiya's weight loss as the actor drew up a plan for her boyfriend and eliminated all processed foods from his meals. Sonia had reportedly put Himesh on an organic diet, which helped him become fit. Himesh followed a strict and austere diet plan and stuck to it completely.
Himesh Reshammiya Workout Plan
Himesh Reshammiya has revealed that he works out six times a day and each session is 45-minutes long. During his weight loss journey, Himesh lifted weights five times a week and did cardio just once every week. Himesh's Instagram page has several workout videos, giving us a peek into how dedicated the singer is towards his workout routine. Himesh had also revealed to his Instagram followers how he had cut down on his coffee intake, despite his love for the beverage.
Himesh Reshammiya's Diet Plan
Himesh revealed in an interview with a leading daily that he practicsed something akin to intermittent fasting, where he wouldn't eat anything between 8.30 pm and 7.30 am. Himesh Reshmmiya only ate carbohydrates before 3 pm and his dinner was entirely comprised of protein. He also eliminated sugary foods like ice-creams and chocolates from his diet, completely. Himesh Reshammiya was a vegetarian, but he started eating eggs to meet his body's protein requirements.
For breakfast, Himesh Reshammiya would eat eggs, along with dried fruits, and after some time a glass of milk with some almonds. His lunch was made up of 90 gms of any lean meat, along with vegetables and sprouts, and because he eliminated carbs completely during dinner time, it would often end up being the same as his lunch. Some of Himesh's diet secrets include avoiding food post 10 pm and eating eight to 10 small meals throughout the day to improve metabolism.
We wish Himesh Reshammiya and Sonia Kapoor a very happy and prosperous married life!
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