This Article is From May 26, 2018

How Are Obesity and Diabetes Linked: 5 Foods To Manage Diabetes

Obesity and diabetes: The excessive fat accumulated in the abdominal region leads the fat cells to secrete 'pro-inflammatory' chemicals. Because of this, the body's response towards the insulin produced by pancreas, is hindered by great extent.

How Are Obesity and Diabetes Linked: 5 Foods To Manage Diabetes
Obesity and diabetes are perhaps two of the most pressing concerns of the global health and nutrition circuit today. Obesity is characterised by excess body weight. This excessive body fat also increases the risk of many health problems, one of the most prevalent one being diabetes. Especially the accumulation of fat around abdominal region is known to trigger diabetes mellitus type 2. Obesity is one of the major modifiable risk factor for diabetes, managing which may bring down the risk of diabetes by a whopping degree. According to a latest study almost a quarter (22 per cent) of the people in the world will be obese by 2045, up from 14 per cent in 2017. Not only this, the study presented at 2018 European Congress on Obesity in Vienna also said that the prevalence of diabetes will increase from 9.1 per cent to 11.7 per cent by 2045, which will result in one out of eight people around the world to suffer from Type-2 diabetes. So how are obesity and diabetes related. Let's find out.

How Are Obesity And Diabetes Related

Experts and scientists around the world are still investigating deeper links between the two conditions. But it is believed that in obese people the natural inflammatory response of the body takes a hit. The excessive fat accumulated in the abdominal region leads the fat cells to secrete 'pro-inflammatory' chemicals. Because of this, the body's response towards the insulin produced by pancreas, is hindered by great extent. When the body is not able to respond to the insulin production, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes aggravate. The insulin resistance may also be caused due to the hindrance in the metabolic function of the body which is also suffered due to obesity. When there is excess fat accumulated, it causes the adipose tissues to release its fat content in the blood stream. If this is not checked for a prolonged period of time, it can also lead to insulin resistance. 

Your diet can play key in managing diabetes. Here are some foods that have been known to show effective results. 

1. Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd contains active substances that lend anti-diabetic properties like charantin which is known for its blood glucose-lowering effect and an insulin-like compound known as polypeptide-p. Drinking karela early morning on an empty stomach is very effective in regulating blood sugar levels. 

2. Guava

Guava has a low glycemic index which is very important in a diabetes diet. It is also very rich in dietary fiber that ensures slow release of sugar. . 

3. Tomatoes

Rich in lycopene, tomatoes are great for your heart. They also reduce blood pressure and the risk of heart complications associated with diabetes. Tomatoes are low-carb and also low in calories which make them a superfood for diabetics.

4. Beetroot

Beetroots are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients - all of which help in managing diabetes. The natural sugars in beetroot don't get converted into glucose in the body too quickly which makes them good bet for diabetics.

5. Cherries

Cherries like blueberries contain anthocyanins that pump the cells insulin production. So include cherries as a part of your healthy diet, you can have them raw or top your oatmeal with them. 

Add these healthy foods to your diet and see the results for yourself.
