This Article is From Nov 22, 2017

How to Follow the MIND Diet and Its Benefits

The MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It is a combination of two healthy diets - the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet,



  • MIND diet is a combination the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet
  • It was created by nutritional epidemiologist Martha Clare Morris
  • It is known to help lower the risk of Alzheimer's disease
The MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay. It is a combination of two healthy diets - the DASH diet and the Mediterranean diet was created by nutritional epidemiologist, Martha Clare Morris at the Rush University Medical Center through a study that was funded by the National Institute on Aging. The aim of the diet is to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by incorporating brain healthy foods and nutrients in your daily diet. 

Rules of the MIND Diet

The mind diet is easy to follow as long as you stick to these basic rules. 

1. Focus on eating foods that are as natural as possible.
2. Limit unhealthy fats and red meat.
3. Eat low sodium foods.
4. Eat at least 3 servings of whole grains every day.
5. Have salad every day.
6. Eat beans every other day.
7. Snack on nuts daily.
8. Poultry and berries should be eaten at least twice a week.
9. Have fish once a week.
10. Less than one tablespoon of butter daily is allowed. 
11. Use olive oil as your main cooking oil.

The MIND diet suggests that you eat these healthy foods - green leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, beans, wine, whole grains, fish, poultry and olive oil and avoid the six major unhealthy foods that are red meat, fried food, fast food, butter, sweets and cheese. 

Benefits of the MIND Diet

Some studies have shown that the MIND may actually have a positive impact on your brain and overall health and may help in reducing the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Individually, the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH diet have shown potential health benefits for the heart and in reducing blood sugar levels. Another study conducted at the Harokopio University of Athens in Greece showed that the Mediterranean diet helped dieters lose weight and lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. Both the diets have been considered healthy in general, but you must consult a medical expert before deciding to follow the MIND diet or either of them.