This Article is From Dec 14, 2017

Include These Foods in Your Diet to Boost Memory Power

The foods that you consume play a vital role in keeping your brain healthy and can impact memory power to a great extent.

Include These Foods in Your Diet to Boost Memory Power
The foods that you consume play a vital role in keeping your brain healthy and can impact memory power to a great extent.  There is an endless list of supplements available in the market that claim to slow memory loss, but they have their own side-effects. However, there are certain essential nutrients that can help you in improving brain power. All you have to do is to include them in your diet in adequate amounts.

Including magnesium in your diet not only benefits memory but also helps in improving the quality of sleep. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale have high amounts of magnesium which can significantly improve your memory power. Legumes like beans and peas are an excellent source of magnesium. Other foods that are rich in magnesium include almonds, walnuts, cashews, avocados etc.

Zinc is another mineral which reduces memory loss to a great extent. Taking adequate amounts of this mineral can prevent age-related disorders such as Alzheimer's or dementia.  It can also reduce the severity and length of common cold symptoms. Foods like pumpkin seeds, beef, and shrimps are an excellent source of zinc which must be included in daily diet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 can significantly help in reducing the symptoms of many psychiatric illnesses and degenerative brain disorders. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as oily fish, walnuts, roasted soya bean, canola oil, chia seeds, salmon and flax seeds are crucial for optimal brain function. 