Shraddha Kapoor, known for her love of food, celebrates every festival with a delicious feast. On Saturday, she marked Ganesh Chaturthi with her family and shared a series of photos and videos on Instagram. In the first slide, Shraddha is seen posing with Lord Ganesha, but it was the food-centric video that grabbed our attention. The spread featured dal, rice, aloo jeera sabzi, corn curry, salad, puris, and more. A close-up also showed a bowl of modaks, beautifully garnished with saffron. "Ganpati Bappa Morya!" Shraddha captioned her post. Take a look:
Also Read: Shraddha Kapoor's "7-Course Syllabus" Meal Is A Food Lover's Dream
Shraddha Kapoor has a soft spot for home-cooked meals. Recently, she shared a mouth-watering spread on Instagram, along with a playful caption: "2 hafte baad ghar ka khaana kitna miss kiya yeh samjhaun ki chup chaap khaun? [Eating home-cooked meals after two weeks. Should I explain how much I missed it or just quietly enjoy it?]" The true foodie indulged in rice, yellow dal, and two types of sabzi, with two jars of achaar also visible on the table. Click here to know more.
Before that, Shraddha Kapoor revealed the one food item she simply can't resist. During an "Ask Me Anything" session on Instagram, she engaged with her fans by asking, "Kya haal chaal? Batao? [How are you? Tell me, what's going on?]" Soon, her fans flooded her with food-related questions. One fan mentioned, "Kachori khaayi [I ate kachori]," to which Shraddha responded, "Yeh sun kar muh mein paani aa gaya. [Hearing this made my mouth water]." Read the full story here.
Also Read: On Discovering This Dish In Her Dabba, Shraddha Kapoor Was Filled With Joy
Recently, Shraddha Kapoor playfully declared that if you're her "friend," you should know her favourite food. In her latest Instagram Stories, she shared a picture of three plates of soft, golden-brown buns stuffed with aloo - yes, vada pav! The treat was sent by her friend Rushank Shah. "Are you even my friend if you don't send me vada pav?" she cheekily captioned the post. Full story here.
We can't wait to see more of Shraddha Kapoor's foodie adventures. What do you think she'll share next?
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