Aamir Khan and Rina Dutta's daughter Ira Khan tied the knots with her long-time boyfriend and celebrity fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare on January 3, 2024, at an intimate wedding ceremony. The signing ceremony and reception were held at Taj Lands End, Mumbai, which was attended by family and close friends of the couple. As per the video doing the rounds on social media, the event was graced by Aamir Khan, his mother, ex-wives Kiran Rao, Rina Dutta, and sons Junai Khan and Azad Rao Khan. We also spotted celebrities including Mithila Palkar and Prakajta Koli at Iran Khan-Nupur Shikhare's wedding.
From the groom's entry in athleisure to the bride's cool and comfortable wedding outfit, everything about the wedding was unique and grabbed several eyeballs across the internet. But what we loved the most was the chocolate spread on the menu. You heard us. Taj Lands End's executive Chef Rohit Sangwan took to Instagram to share some clips of the fun night, where we could also see him describing the chocolate spread he created for Ira and Nupur and their guests.
In one of Chef Rohit's Instagram stories, we heard him showing the spread and explaining, "We have all possible chocolates - from pralines to truffles to single origin to cognac. No calories, it's just in the air. So you can enjoy."
Here's a glimpse of the chocolate spread at Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare's wedding:
Earlier, groom Nupur Shikhare shared a glimpse of one of their pre-wedding ceremonies that had a delicious desi meal spread for the guests. In his Instagram post, we saw the couple feeding each other dosa, sambar, chutney, halwa, and modak - all served on a banana leaf.
Here's the post for you:
Ira got engaged to Nupur in 2022 in an intimate ceremony.