Karisma Kapoor is one of the most active celebrities on social media. She loves to keep her fans updated by sharing glimpses of her travel adventures, culinary experiences, and more. Recently, the actress was seen enjoying an outing with her sister Kareena Kapoor and daughter Samaira Kapur. On her Instagram Stories, Karisma posted a tempting photo of some delicious food at a restaurant, featuring two bowls of ice cream, a few scones, and a tall glass of a chilled drink. "On a hot sunny day," Karisma Kapoor wrote as the caption, adding a sun emoji. Take a look:
Also Read: Karisma Kapoor's Lavish "Family Feast" With Kareena Kapoor Will Leave Your Mouth Watering
A few days ago, the actress revealed her love for coffee through another Instagram update. Karisma shared a photo of a delicious-looking cappuccino topped with a generous sprinkle of cocoa powder for an extra chocolaty touch. "Fav coffee these days," she wrote as the caption, accompanied by a brown heart. Read the full story here.
Before that, Karisma shared a mouthwatering image of a traditional Vishu Sadya, or feast, that she indulged in, courtesy of her friends, to celebrate the Malayalam New Year. The spread was a true reflection of Kerala's rich food culture, with a range of classic dishes served traditionally on a banana leaf. Her post gave us a glimpse into the sumptuous feast, which included an impressive lineup of dishes like sharkara upperi, banana chips, inji puli, aviyal, kaalan, among others. Read all about it here.
Also Read: Karisma Kapoor's 50th Birthday Cake Is Basically A Chocolate Dream Come True
Last month, Karisma Kapoor explored Gujarati flavours in Ahmedabad and treated her followers to a visual feast on Instagram Stories. In her video, we saw a two-tiered tray with chutneys, pickles, and green chilies on top. The bottom tier had various fritters like paneer pakoras, stuffed mirchi bhajiyas, and vadas. Full story here.
We can't wait to see more foodie stories from Karisma Kapoor. What do you think she'll indulge in next?